The language school in Panama was created from the great need for global change. Language is something that should unite us, not divide us. The mission of Escuela Sin Fronteras is to build cross-cultural competence, learn Spanish and inspire people to pursue their dreams at all costs. Cory, the founder, began his career teaching ESL(English as a Second Language) in 2007 in Peru; then he taught in Ecuador, and South Africa. He returned to San Diego, where he received a M.A. in T.E.S.O.L. (Teach English to Students of Other Languages) in the field and began teaching in the community colleges. His love for travel and passion for the ocean inspired him to take action. Why not teach in a tropical paradise that subjects students to life-changing experiences while learning Spanish? Escuela Sin Fronteras also offers English to the local community and the elementary school. Cory is also an avid writer and currently works for UCSD Extension teaching online creative writing classes.
Cambutal, Panama is located on the edge of the Cerro Hoya National Park, one of the largest forests on the Pacific. Come explore one of the world's last frontiers.
Ven a visitarnos! Come visit us!